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----- quick moving guide summary -----

moving with children - pets - elderly

what you should know

Making a move can be a stressful undertaking just for you. But when you add children, pets and your elderly parents, the stress level increase dramtically. View this key moving suggestions:

Moving with Children

A new move can be hard on some children depending on the age. The older they are, that harder the move. Key suggestions:

  • keep them informed on the move decisions. Get them involved as much as possible
  • allow them to help select the new home and neighborhood
  • line up activities in which your children can participate; i.e., sports, music, dance
  • quickly introduce your family with other families in the neighborhood
  • sponsor a pizza party and invite children from the neighborhood or school
  • be available to listen and comfort

Moving with Children Guides:



Moving with Pets

moving pets can be managable if your follow some key suggestions:

  • keep your pet's routine as regular as possible - they can sense stress
  • during the move, have a neighbor or kennel keep your pet to avoid injury
  • ask your veterinarian on what food and water to use during the move to avoid diarrhea and vomiting from upset stomachs
  • check the jurisdiction in your move area on the importation of animals: state directory
  • transport your pet in an insulated carrier to help regulate temperature change

Moving with Pet Guides:




Moving with Elderly Parents

Moving can be difficult with elderly parents. Key suggestions:

  • start and plan the move early - keep everything as routine as possible
  • minimize change as much as possible
  • get professional help when possible

Moving with Elderly Parents Guide:



Moving Tools

FREE forms and worksheets:

  • moving checklist and pad
  • move budgeting worksheets
  • move inventory lists
  • utility and service transfer sheets
  • and more - all FREE without user registration

    click for quick tool downloads


----- end of moving guide summary -----