Part of the nBuy Life Event Network

Our home planning centers: 

----- quick moving summary -----

after the move

what you should do


more information:

Compile Moving Expense and Other Records

Collect and assemble all your moving expenses and important records.

You will need this information for tax purposes, company relocation reimbursement, auto and voter registration, and meeting personal and medical needs.

  • gather and store all homepurchase records and homewarranties
  • compile all related records and receipts for moving
  • submit moving expenses to your employer
  • moving related expenses may be tax deductible:
    see IRS information

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Get to Know the Neighborhood and Community

It's now time to meet your neighbors and check out the community for services and entertainment and dining:

  • invite your neighbors over for BBQ or dinner as a "welcome to the neighborhood party".
  • If you have children, sponsor a pizza party and invite children in the neighborhood over to meet your children.
  • locate grocery and other services for shopping
  • complete resource information on:
    knowing your neighborhood
  • Welcome Wagon coupons:

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Fixing Up the Place

You will most certainly take some time to fix up your new place to fit your style and personality.

We invite you to link over to your home improvement gallery to view ideas for every room in your home or apartment:

link to our home improvement gallery


[top of page]

Start Saving Some Money


Jump over to our "Lower Monthly Bills" module for tips on lowering your monthly living costs. Provides a complete budgeting plan to reduce expenses and increase savings.


links to our lower bills module at:

Lower Your Monthly Housing Costs
mortgage refinancing - rent - taxes - utilities - home repairs, cooling
Lower Your Transportation Costs
auto loan refinancing - auto insurance - fuel costs - repairs - transportation use
Lower Your Family Care Costs
insurance needs - medical visits - vet expenses - medications - care facilities
Lower Your Family Living Costs
food shopping - general groceries - clothing costs - baby care / feeding costs
Lower Recreation - Entertainment Costs
cutting recreation costs - dining in - personal movie house - vacation costs
Manage Your Debt Obligations
credit card payments - student loans - personal loans - charitable donations
Manage and Grow Your Income
career plans - back to school plans - small business opportunities
Setting Up a Savings Plan
personal savings - college savings - saving for a home - retirement savings
download this FREE "lower your bills" worksheet


----- end of moving summary -----